More Falconsat

So after a little more research I found that WISP isn't the only program that can read the Falconsat data. UISS will also work using the 9600 baud modem. Here's how it looks:

Unfortunately transmitting isn't as easy - you need to pipe the audio into the packet input port on the 847, and we don't yet have a cable to do that nor do we know how to set the RigBlaster to use that input instead of the mic. More research to do.

7/31/18 - Here's a great reference:

8/2/18 - be sure that the model settings are like this:

The whole picture should look like this:

More WISP info is here:

Old TLE:
1 30776U 07006E   17265.88227951  .00002651  00000-0  83127-4 0  9998
2 30776  35.4357 166.6005 0002067 143.4619 216.6248 15.32857285583257

UPLINK: 145.840MHz 9600bps GMSK
DNLINK: 435.103MHz 9600bps GMSK
Broadcast Callsign = PFS3-11
BBS Callsign       = PFS3-12
Unproto APRS via PFS3-1

More great links:


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